Category: Lead Paint

Do You Have Lead Paint? How to Handle Projects in an Old Building

Determining how to handle lead-based paint (LBP) should be top of mind before initiating any DIY projects, as well as any work to be done by contractors, that will disturb painted surfaces in an old building. Please read our Blog: Lead Paint Hazards – What You Need to Know for more explanation on the dangers of LBP, lead poisoning, and lead testing. The Dangers of Lead Exposure to LBP causes neurological issues, from memory issues to permanent brain damage. The existence of lead in your home or on a project should be taken very seriously, and the appropriate precautions taken.…

Lead Paint Hazards – What You Need to Know

Where there is paint in older homes, there could very likely be lead-based paint. Anyone living or working in a building built before 1978 should assume lead-based paint (LBP) might be present, and protect yourself and your family accordingly. The Dangers of Lead Lead poisoning can cause serious illness, including brain damage, and is not just a concern for children and pregnant women. Lead poisoning most often occurs via ingesting or breathing in lead dust. Everyone working around old paint should be concerned. Test yourself and your children for lead, even if you believe you are healthy, since a baseline…


East Lyme Water & Sewer Commission Headquarters Facility

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Burlingham Barn at Weir Farm

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Burr Mansion

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Penfield Reef Lighthouse

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