St. Stanislaus Catholic Church

Project Overview & Specifications

  • Project Location:
    Meriden, CT
  • Project Architect:
    Phase II (Walkway Repair): Ames & Whitaker
  • Owner:
    St. Stanislaus Parish
  • Completion Date:
    Phase I (Interior): October 2009; Phase II (Walkway Repair): September 2010
  • Cost Range:
    Phase I (Interior): $520,142; Phase II (Walkway Repair): $188,902
The original home to many Polish Roman Catholics in Connecticut, St. Stanislaus Church is located off of Broad Street in Meriden, CT. Founded in 1891 by first-generation Polish immigrants, St. Stans was the first Polish Roman Catholic Church in the state. Kronenberger & Sons’ founder, Thomas J. Kronenberger, was a lifelong parishioner of St. Stans and was elated to work on a building so dear to him. Kronenberger & Sons completed two phases to St. Stanislaus – an interior restoration and restoration to the outside walkway and staircase. The interior restoration required us to match the historic color scheme of the church, scrape peeling paint, repair the plaster, clean all surfaces, repair all stained-glass windows, restore the wooden column capitals, restore parts of the paintings and murals, and restore the trim. The walkway repairs called for us to jack hammer the old staircase and walkway and build a suspended concrete slab and parapet walkway.

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