Homer Babbidge Library

Project Overview & Specifications

  • Project Location:
    Storrs, CT
  • Project Architect:
    Goody & Clancy
  • Owner:
    University of Connecticut
  • Completion Date:
    July 2017
  • Cost Range:
One of UConn’s largest libraries, the Homer Babbidge Library is situated in the heart the University of Connecticut Storrs campus, in Storrs, CT. The Homer Babbidge Library is named after the school’s 8th president, Homer D. Babbidge, Jr. (1925–1984). At the time of Mr. Babbidge’s induction as the president, UConn’s level of academia was far less than other comparable schools. President Babbidge made it his mission throughout his term to improve the school academically by building a new library. A decade later, after the completion of the then Nathan Hale Library, UConn joined the ranks of only 58 other American universities to have a collection of one million volumes in their library. Homer D. Babbidge passed away due to cancer at the age of 58, however, his legacy for learning still lives on as the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees renamed the library after Mr. Babbidge. Kronenberger & Sons were responsible for renovations including selective demolition, carpentry, gypsum, painting, doors, frames, transom lights, masonry, ornamental metalwork and acoustical ceilings, fireproofing, firestopping, resilient flooring, and electrical work plus all finishes of existing workstation and study spaces in the Homer Babbidge Library.

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