County of Westchester Board of Acquisition & Contracting
Completion Date:
November 2, 1995
Cost Range:
Muscoot Farm began as a small farm owned by the Hopkins family in the late 1880s. This type of farm was known as a "gentleman’s farm", a farm ran for the simple pleasures that come with farming rather than to sustain a living.
The family used the farm as their summer home until 1924, when they decided to move in year-round. The farm remained in the family until 1967 when Westchester County purchased the land. Today, Muscoot Farm serves as a popular field trip destination for schools and hosts an abundance of agricultural and pet-friendly events for people to experience what farming was like in the early 1900s.
Kronenberger & Sons performed a complete envelope restoration. Our work included structural woodworking, installation of a new roof, cupola restoration, carpentry, and all finishes to the main dairy barn, two chicken coops, and other outbuildings on the farm.