Specialty Subcontractor

Our extensive team of craftspeople specialize in certain aspects of historic preservation and restoration, so we can offer specific subcontracting services for certain categories of work required on a project. Consider our subcontracting specialties to maximize your budget while obtaining the best quality of work.

Cupola, Steeple, & Clock Tower Restoration

Set above the clouds, cupolas, steeples, and clock towers have proven to be as beneficial as they are remarkable. Originally implemented for practicality, cupolas atop barns helped provide the proper ventilation needed to keep the inside cool while simultaneously reducing moisture buildup which otherwise might lead to mold and mildew harmful to the crops and animals inside. The sounds of bells heard throughout small towns and cities projected by church steeples were once the primary means of calling parishioners to worship. Clock towers near a city’s bustling center helped keep citizens punctual before the invention of watches.

Kronenberger & Sons takes pride in the considerable number of cupolas, steeples, and clock towers we have restored as we appreciate the days of old when these building elements were once an integral part of our communities. Many of these structures are works of art in and of themselves, and the carpentry, masonry, flashing, and sheathing may be vastly different from one to the next. Our craftspeople are well prepared to give attention to every detail, and bring these special features fully back to their original beauty and function.

cupola and steeple restoration

Plaster & Finishes

Plaster and finishes are essential components to many historic preservation and restoration projects. A project is not complete until the final decorative touches are added in order to tie everything together. Whether it be gold leafing, faux finish or decorative painting, ornamental plastering, or whatever fine detail the plans call for, we have the ability to achieve the desired aesthetic goal through collaboration with our specialty artisans and suppliers.

plaster restoration

Metal Restoration

Metal repair and restoration requires expertise and the ability to develop unique solutions. Our team here at KSR deals with sheet metal, flashing, gutters, downspouts, copper roofing, standing-seam roofing, railings, doors, weathervanes and any associated ornamental items that have suffered damage over time or simply need replacing.

metal restoration

Our expertise includes:

  • Tarnish & Stain Removal
  • Epoxy Repair
  • Soldering & Welding
  • Paint & Coating Removal
  • Coating Protection & Painting
  • Polishing & Buffing
  • General Cleaning & Maintenance

Christ Episcopal Church

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Connecticut State Veterans Memorial in Minuteman Park

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Springfield Technical Community College – Historic Building #11

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Naugatuck Valley Community College

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